Get Involved

Get Involved


If you are a practicing healthcare professional with a heart for refugees and newcomers, or someone with skills and experiences that would benefit those in need, please  join our volunteers family.

For Internationally educated health professionals, volunteering with IHSN gives you the  opportunity to become actively engaged in the healthcare sector before being licensed.

You will be able to use your knowledge and skills to impact people’s lives.

Partner With Us

Become a partner with IHSN to improve access to quality healthcare for refugees, new immigrants and other members of our community.  


You can contribute to IHSN’s efforts to build healthy communities.

Your gift will help provide the needed basic health education and support to improve access to quality healthcare for many needy members of our community particularly newcomers and refugees.

Fundraising Event

When fundraising for IHSN, the ways are numerous. Whatever you choose to do, you will be empowering communities and improving access to healthcare services.